Event Calendar

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A few random tidbits...

1 - There is no Coffee House on June 16th. I think everyone knows that, but I just noticed it's still on the calendar. That's when Debbie and Giles will be at Church. I hope everyone can attend. So far, it's only Casi coming from our group. :( I think hearing about missionaries our Church supports is very important/encouraging.

2 - I've been enjoying getting into God's word more deeply lately. Getting away from the "baby food" type of study. I've been studying Galatians, and I've really gotten a lot out of it. I really enjoying reading about the early Church, and seeing how there are still so many parallels to Churches today.

3 - I'd encourage you all to start/continue a deeper study of God's word. It has really revitalized my spiritual life lately. I think I'm going to be in the market for a good concordance soon.

4 - Let's talk about our 4th of July plans on Sunday.