Event Calendar

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Our Next Study

Here are you choices. You've got till 7-12 at 9:00 pm to vote. :)

Crazy Love - Click here for more info.

Simple - Click here for more info.

Or click here for more info about Simple.

Spiritual Gifts - Spiritual Gifts: Their Purpose & Power is a balanced, popular treatment of the gifts of the Spirit. The work includes teaching on thirty spiritual gifts from the Old and New Testaments. A biblically-grounded presentation that includes a clear understanding and respect for the various approaches to modern-day spiritual gifts.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cookout at Tera's house Saturday night...TOMORROW!!!

Hello, my peeps! I'm inviting you to a cookout/game night/hang out at my house tomorrow night. I'm buying hamburgers, so bring whatever you think goes with that. (It'd probably be good if someone brings buns...Lol.) Anyways...invite your friends...whoever. But please let me know who you're bringing so I'll have enough meat. And don't forget your lawn chair. I'm hoping to build a fire outside and I only have a few chairs of my own. We might meet at a park first, but if we do, Andy will text everyone to let them know. PLEASE COME!!! Thanks!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Chicago Rush Game

I can get tickets to the Chicago Rush Arena Football team. I thought we could go on Saturday May 31st. Let me know if you're interested in going.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Awesome slideshow

I want to say thanks to Andy for planning a great scavenger hunt last weekend! I had a really great time and I know everyone on Team Adam is grateful to have won the competition(Team Andy was disqualified for splitting up and Team Casi was DQ'd for having 5.25 members[claire]). The slideshow is really entertaining as well, it is a great song to accompany just how silly supposed grown ups can be. Thanks again Andy-we can't wait to see what you have planned for April and May:)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Our Next Study

Here are the suggestions I received for our next study, in no particular order. You can click on the name to see the book's page @ Amazon. Remember, voting closes Sunday @ 6:00 pm. That means you can vote at my house Sunday night.

1. Soul Talk - In this extraordinary book, Dr. Larry Crabb introduces a revolutionary way for Christians to experience God. "Soul talk" happens when two Christians talk to each other in a way that results in their passion for God being stirred, ignited, and released.

2. Waking the Dead - Eldredge, who helped to redefine the Christian men's movement with Wild at Heart, broadens his scope to offer this more general spirituality title on being "fully alive." Such a state of total animation is achieved only when Christians can integrate all four "streams" of their lives: discipleship, counseling, healing and warfare. (This last part may surprise some readers, but Eldredge insists that awareness of spiritual warfare actually "may be the most critical" aspect of being fully alive.)

3. What Are Spiritual Gifts? - Those who hold the conventional view of the spiritual gifts listed in Ephesians 4, Romans 12, I Corinthians 12odescribe them as special abilities, powers and enablements. Contrary to this viewowhich, the author asserts, leads believers to focus on individual gifts or powers as opposed to God.

4. Spiritual Gifts - Spiritual Gifts: Their Purpose & Power is a balanced, popular treatment of the gifts of the Spirit. The work includes teaching on thirty spiritual gifts from the Old and New Testaments. A biblically-grounded presentation that includes a clear understanding and respect for the various approaches to modern-day spiritual gifts.

5. Five Love Languages - A seasoned marriage counselor says people feel most loved in a marriage in one of five ways: quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Though we have a primary love language, we can learn a second language so that our spouse's needs are met.

6. Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith - God never changes, nor do the central truths of Christianity. But our understanding of those truths is in constant flux. Christians will always be exploring and discovering what it means to live in harmony with God and each other. Now in softcover, Velvet Elvis offers original and refreshingly personal perspectives on what Christianity is really about.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

March Birthday Extravaganza

Everyone is invited to the Young Adult’s March Birthday Dinner and Digital Scavenger Hunt Extravaganza!

When: Sunday, March 9th @ 5:00 pm
Where: The McCann’s House for dinner, then we leave for the scavenger hunt, then we meet at Church to look at the photos
1865 Brighton Circle Click here for Google’s Map
Why: Because June is apparently a very popular month to conceive children for our Church members

We will have dinner at our house. Then we will split into teams and go on a digital scavenger hunt. We’ll meet back at the Church at a set time, and view the photos, see who won, and eat cake (or something sweet).

Submit your ideas for the next small group study. So far I’ve gotten one from Casi, Angelina Jolie, and Britney Spears. They all came within 5 minutes of each other though. I’m thinking Britney is just messing around.

Don’t forget to vote for the new study between Wednesday night and Sunday evening.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Second Saturday

Look how much Adam enjoys painting

Ashly loves painting too!

Janell likes cleaning brushes too.

Andy and Janell enjoyed painting the stairwell.

Here's part of the final product. :)

Second Saturday

Adam enjoyed putting up some chair rail.

Dawn was able to help organize papers for tax time.
She also served as Adam's filter, which we appreciated. :)

Matt and Ellen relaxing a little bit.

Andy is an incredible multi-tasker.

Dave and Adam taking a break.