Event Calendar

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Shout out!

Hey guys,

Just saying hi and I hope you all have a good week since we didn't meet tonight (except for Jeremy, who I think decided to have his own Crown class without the rest of us). ; )

I don't know how you guys are all feeling about the class, but I know personally I've slacked off a little on doing the homework every day and about being careful with how I spend my (God's) money and how I think about what He's give me. I will be praying for myself and our whole group this week to continue to revamp the way we think about money, possessions, needs and wants. Its hard to change our mindset in a culture where we are constantly confronted with newer, faster, better products that we "need" in order to keep up with everyone else, but the more I think about what it means to be a Christian, the more I'm convinced that this is a huge aspect of our relationship with God and each other.

Anyway, didn't mean to go on and on, I've just been struggling with this over the last couple weeks and wanted to share what was on my mind.

Hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

Casi said...

Thanks for sharing Janell.
I would be interested to talk about this more at group to hear everyone else's comments and thoughts.