Event Calendar

Monday, December 18, 2006

Good News - We'll be doing the Crown Financial class in January

UPDATED - We're getting the Crown materials ordered for the group, so we should have them in a couple weeks. For 1 person, the materials cost $45 and for a couple they are $55. If the cost is an issue for you, please let me (Andy) know and we can work something out. Casi and Sarah have both gone through the class before, and they highly recommend it.

This is a 10 week class, so I would like to get a commitment from people who are interested. We need to make sure we have materials for everyone who is interested. Either e-mail me (andymccann72@hotmail.com) or just reply to this post if you'd like to sign up.

There are about 2 weeks worth of home study prior to the 1st session, so I think we'll start in mid-January with the class. The 1st couple weeks in January, we'll do some single lessons. If anyone has any recommendations, let me know.

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