Event Calendar

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Others have Excuses

Although I have procrasinated, I must say that I have encouraged a few others today at church to go on to the blog and complete the "assignment." There has to be some points in that I hope!

When I first read the assignment, the song that came to mind was "Were You There," by Selah. I sing (or bellow) out the words to that song every time I play that CD. I have listened to it so much that the song skips now and almost resembles a rap until Adam comes into the room and changes it to the next song. The words are powerful, but the song really captures the joy we can have when we realize that Jesus Has Risen! I do hope we will be able to sing this song this Easter season. I will keep mentioning this to Janell...

As others have continued to post two songs, I must follow the same standard. The second song is one that I will post the lyrics for. It is Nickel Creek's "Reason Why." This song still means a lot today, as I think of the "used-to's" in my earlier years as a Christian. Somehow, disappointments and good intentions gone wrong have led me a bit away from the joy I once had in Christ. I can't help to admit that I have wandered away a bit. Perhaps this is the way that the Lord is pruning me. The message today in Church was encouraging and helpful as I am trying to be more grateful and less critical. Perhaps I will be able to experience more of God's peace as I let go of the critical thoughts and turn my focus to "an attitude of gratitude." Anyway, here are the lyrics:

Where am I today? I wish that I knew
'Cause looking around there is no sign of you
I don't remember one jump or one leap
Just quiet steps away from you lead

I am holding my heart out, but clutching it, too
Feeling a short of a love we once knew
Calling this a home when its not even close
Playing the role with nerves left exposed

Standing on a darkened stage
Stumbling through the lines
Others have excuses, I have my reasons why

We get distracted by the dreams of our own
But nobody's happy while feeling alone
Knowing how hard is hurts when we fall
We lean another ladder against the wrong wall
And climb high to the highest rung to shake fists at the sky
Others have excuses, I have my reasons why

With so much deception, it is hard not to wander away
Hard not to wander away
Hard not to wander away

I will post the link to the video in a few moments. Better publish this before it gets saved as a draft again.

1 comment:

Janell said...

Great song choices! I really love Nickel Creek too.

By the way, I take bribes. : ) (Just kidding...unless you're planning on giving me something really good)