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Friday, November 02, 2007

A Dual Purpose Post

What I am thankful for...

I am thankful for my wonderful wife. Without her, I wouldn't be the same person. She really is the perfect complement to me, and she helps me to become a better person by challenging me to do things differently or think about something in a new way. She's also gone this weekend, so I'll miss her a lot. :(

(I'm not in trouble, so I'm not trying to get brownie points)

2nd thing I'm grateful for is my new car. So, I don't want Casi's Mustang.

Finally, in case you haven't heard, there is this thing called the internet, where information is available on demand. So, if you've never heard of something (like a movie called Keeping the Faith), you can find out about it quickly and easily. In case your internet is not working correctly though, here is a synopsis about the movie.

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