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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Meaningful song

Ever the procrastinator, I'm posting my song at the last possible minute. It's by one of my all time favorite bands, Over the Rhine. This song in particular meant a lot to me a few years back when I was going through a lot of things with my family. My parents were going through an ugly divorce, and I felt like things would never be ok again. It seemed like everything I had ever known in my life was shaken to the core by this one single event. When I was really down about things, this song helped remind me that first of all, I wasn't alone. Second of all, I still had so much to be thankful for - what I considered to be my own personal tragedy was still filled with more love and blessings than many people ever know. If you click on the title you can hear a little clip of the song. I couldn't find a way to get the whole thing on here. (I'm not as cool as Andy)


I thought I’d go up Poughkeepsie,
look out o’er the Hudson,
and I’d throw my body down on the river.
And I’d know no more sorrow,
I’d fly like the sparrow
and I’d ride on the backs of the angels tonight.

I’d ride on the backs of the angels tonight.
I’d take to the sky with all my might.
No more drowning in my sorrow,
no more drowning in my fright,
I’d just ride on the backs of the angels tonight.

There are those who know sorrow
and those who must borrow
and those whose lot in life is sweet.
Well I’m drunk on self-pity,
scorned all that’s been given me,
I would drink from a bottle labeled Sure Defeat.

I’d ride on the backs of the angels tonight.
I’d take to the sky with all my might.
No more drowning in my sorrow,
no more drowning in my fright,
I’d just ride on the backs of the angels tonight.

Then the skies, they fell open
and my eyes were opened
to a world of hope falling at my feet.
Now I’ve no more or less
than anyone else has,
what I have is a gift of life I can’t repeat.

So I go up Poughkeepsie,
look out o’er the Hudson
and I cast my worries to the sky.
Now I still know sorrow,
but I can fly like the sparrow
‘cause I ride on the backs of the angels tonight.

I ride on the backs of the angels tonight.
I take to the sky with all their might.
No more drowning in my sorrow,
no more drowning in my fright,
I’ll just ride on the backs of the angels each night.

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