Event Calendar

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I'm thankful for...

Well, I know mine's a little late, but I have a valid excuse...I was out of town, and very busy.
Here it is:
I am thankful for creation/nature/seasons, etc. One of my favorite things about Autumn is seeing the different colors of the leaves/trees. They are so beautiful! When my cousin and Grandma were in town a week ago, Christina and I rode around one day just looking and taking pictures of the trees. I know it may sound cheesy to some, but it's truely beautiful to me! It's amazing how God has given us this gift of creation to enjoy and to take care of. And it's amazing to think about how it all works together; animals, plants and humans. There's something beautiful (in its own way) about all four seasons. For me: Autumn is my favorite, because the temp is JUST RIGHT, and the leaves are absolutely gorgeous. Snow (only on the first day) is beautiful in the winter. The flowers and everything turning green is nice for Spring. And you can finally put away the jackets for sure at summertime. Isn't it just amazing?! If for no other reason, it all just brings a smile to my face...it makes me thankful.

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