Event Calendar

Friday, November 02, 2007

My blessing this week is...

The blessing I have noticed this week is my beautiful wife and our new baby(Baby Jalapeno). I am so thankful that the place I now occupy in the universe is so good(unimaginable four years ago). I have truly acsended from the worst time in my life and Dawn has restored happiness to me. I love her for the way she takes care of me and worries about me, how much fun we have together, and now she has given me something no one else can. We went to our 12 week ultrasound on Wednesday and the baby is about 5cm long and he/she was moving all over the place! He/she was kicking, turning and jazzercising like a pro. I could see the legs and arms and even the fingers moving as well as the heartbeat(approx. 150bps). I am so overjoyed that this pregnancy is going well. We have so many good friends who are praying for our new baby that we cannot express our gratitiude adequately with words.
I am also thankful for the many friendships we have started since attending TTCC. My Church is in Hinsdale and I cannot establish the same types of friendships there, so I appreciate how accepting you all are. In conclusion, I am thankful for the people that we care about that stand by us in pursuing Jesus Christ.

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